Sunday, 28 July 2013

Reading habits

The last couple of weeks I have been reading a lot more than I usually do. This probably has something to do with the fact that I don't game as often any more and that I have no school right now (though I should be studying for resits). While reading I have discovered some reading habits of mine and I decided to share them.

  1.  Whenever I am in a book store, on-line or not, I always end up at the fantasy section because it is my favourite genre. While I keep an open mind for other genres as well, it never has been very effective until now. Thanks to the booktube (vloggers who talk about books) community on youtube, I have discovered a whole bunch of books of other genres I really want to read.

  2.  When I am reading a series and I do not have the next book in it, I just start to read a new series. Which inevitable leads to a lot of unfinished series. I currently have 15 unfinished series on my bookshelves. I am not going to finish all of them because the first book from two of them are not good enough to want me to finish the series. Some series are not wholly published yet so I cannot continue them just yet. I have, however, decided not to start any new series until I have finished the once I have started with exception of Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I ordered the boxed set a couple of days ago since I want to see the next film and want to have read the book before I do that.

  3. I always tell myself to remember certain passages or quotes from books, but I never do. So I decided to use sticky-notes to mark those passages. I do not get why I never thought of this before since it is so simple but efficient. I ought to do it with books I read for school as well! I heard of some people writing and marking stuff in their books, but I would feel bet for doing that. I only do that in my school textbooks.

  4.  I cannot read on public transport except for the train (I have no clue about planes, but I will find that out in September when I will fly for the very first time). I spend quite some time on the bus and I would be able to read so much more if I was able to read on it, but I get sick when I do. Sometimes I even get sick without reading.

  5. I can read in almost any situation. When I wait for the bus, I read often while standing up. I can read in a café, at home or even during lectures at school. I almost always carry a book around with me, but as soon as I get distracted, I have a hard time focusing on my book again. That's the reason why I prefer to read somewhere were there are not a lot of people since I like to listen to their conversations or just watch them. I suppose that it is caused by the part of me that is always looking for interesting stories. 

Have you any interesting reading or book habits? Feel free to share them in the comments because I would love to know them! I plan to do a similar blog like this one on writing habits in the future! 

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